Friday, September 12, 2008

Computers & Politicians: Who's the Mac & who's the PC?

They say Mac users love their Macs, whereas PC users don't really love their PCs, they just use them and put up with them.

In presidential candidate terms, Obama is the Mac, and McCain is the PC. I know many people like each candidate, but Obama supporters seem to really like him, effectionately; whereas McCain fans simply support him. If Obama wins the election, I think people will literally be celebrating in the streets; I don't foresee the same reaction for a McCain win.

I would love to see a commercial of this, or a YouTube parody. Any takers??

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Kapow!! CERN Atom smasher gets to work

From Scientific American / Reuters:

"Scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) started up a huge particle-smashing machine on Wednesday, aiming to re-enact the conditions of the "Big Bang" that created the universe.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the largest and most complex machine ever made and the platform for what experts say is the largest scientific experiment in human history.

Tests conducted inside the tightly-sealed chamber, buried under the Swiss-French border, could unlock the remaining secrets of modern physics and answer questions about the universe and its origins.

The 10 billion Swiss franc ($9 billion) machine's debut came as a blip on a screen in CERN's control room, with a particle beam the size of a human hair appearing in the tightly-sealed 27-km (17-mile) circular tunnel..."

*** The ring has a 27km (17-mile) circumference and is located 100 meters underground.

There are also some beautiful pictures at this site:

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Some interesting U.S. waste & recycling facts

"The U.S. is the #1 trash-producing country in the world at 1,609 pounds per person per year. This means that 5% of the world's people generate 40% of the world's waste.

Out of ever $10 spent buying things, $1 (10%) goes for packaging that is thrown away. Packaging represents about 65% of household trash.

On average, each one of us produces 4.4 pounds of solid waste each day. This adds up to almost a ton of trash per person, per year."

*** I see restaurant to-go containers as a significant contributor to these statistics. My friend just opened a pub and is using containers made from sugar cane fibers and corn plastic. Even the clear plastic-looking salad containers are biodegradable. They look the same as regular plastic containers, but take a second to look at your next to-go containers to see what they are actually made of. More info on these type of products from Eco Products:

The Masdar Initiative - Abu Dhabi, UAE

"Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 13 January 2008 - The WWF and Masdar, The Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company, today launched a “Sustainability Action Plan” to deliver the world’s greenest city – Masdar City. Located near Abu Dhabi International Airport, Masdar City will be the world’s first zero-carbon, zero-waste, car-free city, aiming to exceed the 10 sustainability principles of “One Planet Living™”– a global initiative launched by the Worldwide Fund for Nature and environmental consultancy BioRegional.

Masdar City’s electricity will be generated by photovoltaic panels, while cooling will be provided via concentrated solar power. Water will be provided through a solar-powered desalination plant. Landscaping within the city and crops grown outside the city will be irrigated with grey water and treated waste water produced by the city’s water treatment plant.

The city is part of the Masdar Initiative, Abu Dhabi’s multi-faceted investment in the exploration, development and commercialisation of future energy sources and clean technology solutions. The six-square kilometre city, growing eventually to 1,500 businesses and 50,000 residents, will be home to international business and top minds in the field of sustainable and alternative energy..."

"Create Your Own Social Network for Anything": Ning!